
Slido (pronounced as Sly-doe) is an easy-to-use Q&A and polling platform for live, remote or hybrid meetings, events, classes, and webinars. Event planners can set up a Slido event in less than a minute while all the participants need to join the conversation is a simple event code or link.

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69 San Pedro Bautista St., SFDM
Quezon 1104, PH

About FCAO

The Franciscan Conference of Asia and Oceania (FCAO) is an organization composed of the two conferences of Asia and Oceania namely, the East Asia Conference (EAC) and the South Asia, Australia and Oceania Conference. The Conference is formed by Asian and Oceania Entities in constant dialogue with Government of the Order to promote the common mission direction of the Order in Asia. It is also organized to strengthen fraternal relations between various entities, form unity among friars in the region and the promotion of an exchange of goods throughout the worldwide fraternity.